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Inspirational Thoughts

You can make today watever you want it to be. Just give it your own spice and flavor. After all, you wanna ensure it speaks to your spirit of truth!

Repurpose the time you spend watching and waiting for others to change. Your time is priceless so use it wisely. It’s important to know what gives your life meaning.

People might fail us but God never will. He knows what we need, when we need it, and how to deliver us. We’re blessed to be showered and empowered with so much love.

The only competitor you face each day is the one looking back at you in the mirror. So, don’t get complacent. Keep raising the bar to achieve your personal best!

Even when it might seem easier to say ‘no’ to something don’t respond too quickly with a ‘yes’! Let the situation marinade in your mind a bit knowing you have to live with whatever you decide.

Giving up should never be our first option! Even when we’re struggling life continues to push us forward. Let’s not focus on the struggle but what we take from the experience. Stay hopeful!

Make it a daily priority to pray and seek what pushes you thru and elevates you above life’s road blocks. When you do, let hope and faith keep you grounded to expect God’s best.

Some of us have never considered how hard we’d fight to maintain order in our lives. If you’re one of them, it’s probably a good idea to give it some thought right now!

We all need someone special in our lives we can count on to tell us the truth about anything! However, we don’t need a ‘yes’ person, just an honest one!

When you believe that God hears ALL prayers it’s easy to live an expectant life. Nothing is too difficult for God to handle. Just pray and let Him do what only He can!

Even when you have a great reason to do so, waiting is never easy. So, why not take a few deep breaths and let ’em out slowly to relieve your anxiety.

Fill every moment with purpose! Don’t allow daylight to come and go before investing both your time and labor into something that will bare fruit.

Take a few minutes throughout the day to exhale the toxins in your body that leave you feeling off-center. But inhale all that stimulates both mind and body to keep your spirit lifted.

We don’t often realize how blessed we are until the generosity and selfless actions of others open our hearts in ways we never imagined. What a blessing to play forward!

Wake up saying ‘thank you’ to start your day off on a positive note. It’s so much easier to expect the best rather than anticipate endless negative scenarios! Be ready!