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Inspirational Thoughts

Straight Talk – Empowerment!

Posted by Leggs on July 31, 2014
Posted in Inspirations  | No Comments yet, please leave one

EMPOWERMENT…Don’t become so driven by the perception others have of you that you no longer recognize your own! You get to decide who or what controls your destiny!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND…Every thought has value, especially those that consistently stream across the mind and get taken for granted or ignored before any kind of value has been determined and explored!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

HAPPY THOUGHTS…Every day should be cause for joy to implode within and color every thought with someone or something positive and worth remembering…like family, friends, love ones, and you!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Guard Up!

Posted by Leggs on July 28, 2014
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GUARD UP…The closer we get to our dreams we need to reinforce our commitment, it is way too easy to feel safe and become complacent before we cross the finish line!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

ANSWERED PRAYER…When we pray and wait for an answer it’s important we keep our hearts open and willing to receive blessings beyond measure when God says, ‘Ready, Set, Go!’:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Photo Finish!

Posted by Leggs on July 26, 2014
Posted in Inspirations  | No Comments yet, please leave one

PHOTO FINISH…Careful, it’s one thing to have a dream and another to keep it alive without a mental imagine of that picture perfect moment when the dream becomes your reality! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

DISAPPOINTMENT…At some point, we’ve all been disappointed in someone, something, and ourselves. The challenge is NOT to let it turn into a choke hold of judgment, God has awesome plans for you!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Be Inspired!

Posted by Leggs on July 24, 2014
Posted in Inspirations  | No Comments yet, please leave one

BE INSPIRED…Focus on what makes you wanna get up ready to start your day filled with hope! You have the ability to make a difference, do what lifts your spirit and makes you smile!

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

CHOOSE TO BE OPTIMISTIC…Wake up every day determined to love, laugh, and live a victorious life! Put all regrets and negativity on notice, their services are no longer needed!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Decisions!

Posted by Leggs on July 22, 2014
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DECISIONS…Depending on your objective, mental gymnastics will either exhaust or exhilarate you; hopefully, it’s the latter that encourages you to go beyond your comfort zone!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

TOXIC RELEASE…What a difference a day makes! Sometimes we just need to STOP, take a deep breath and let it out slow and easy, long enough to get rid of what’s toxic and regain our perspective and motivation before moving forward!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

BLESSED and EMPOWERED…To keep life’s ups, downs, tests, and trials from knocking us down and out, pray, and learn to juggle, balance, focus, and stay present in every moment without judgment!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

TURN UP THE HEAT…The right energy behind anything will cause movement, if that is your objective. You don’t have to settle for anything when you’re 100% vested in the outcome you seek!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

BREAK THROUGH is something we all look forward to, which usually happens when we’re about to give up…so don’t! Keep eliminating your obstacles and.Pray! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Creativity!

Posted by Leggs on July 17, 2014
Posted in Inspirations  | No Comments yet, please leave one

CREATIVITY…It’s mind-boggling to think of all the creative activity going on all around us in the most incredible/versatile way, and you have everything you need to contribute and leave your own mark!  🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!
