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Inspirational Thoughts

Straight Talk – Tick Tock…

Posted by Leggs on April 30, 2015
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TICK TOCK…If you don’t know what you stand for, find out quickly! You don’t have the luxury of indulging ‘procrastination’ – life has an undetermined expiration date, and every second is too precious to waste!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


“WHAT WE DO and SAY won’t always support our objectives and motives, especially if we’re unclear what they are!:-)”

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


IT’S NOT ABOUT how high you jump BUT how solid your feet are planted when they hit the ground:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


SIMPLE ACT OF FAITH…Face today thankful, full of grace, ready to buckle up and begin another phase of your remarkable journey!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


Straight Talk – Angels…

Posted by Leggs on April 26, 2015
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ANGELS…Even IF we can’t see or feel them, I believe angels are still busy at work repositioning, protecting, and guiding us to ensure we complete our assigned mission in life! What do you believe?:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


Straight Talk – You can run…

Posted by Leggs on April 25, 2015
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YOU CAN RUN…but you can’t hide from yourself! An inner mirror retains a reflection of everything you’ve ever done that even you can’t shatter, but you can turn it into a positive tool of motivation and empowerment!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


QUIET CAN BE LOUD…Even when resting in your quiet time, the mind is still loud and busy, actively sorting thru and prioritizing issues you have yet to confront!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


Straight Talk – What if…

Posted by Leggs on April 23, 2015
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WHAT IF you’re cruising down life’s highway expectant and confident UNTIL you hit a bump in the road called doubt! Do you pull over under this cloud of contradiction challenging your conviction OR shake it off and move on in faith?:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD…In order to keep growing and moving forward, keep evaluating desire vs.necessity, and lighten your load to make room for new blessings! 

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


Straight Talk – You Matter!

Posted by Leggs on April 21, 2015
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YOU MATTER! YOU MATTER! YOU MATTER! Don’t ever forget or doubt the truth of these words! It’s no accident that you’re here, right now, in this moment, at this time! Enjoy and celebrate the blessing!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


IT’S A LIFESTYLE…NOT AN IDEA! Hold the hand of Peace and Forgiveness, Love hard, be Faithful, and Embrace the awe-inspiring wonder and beauty of the Gift of Life!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


Straight Talk – Prayer Power!

Posted by Leggs on April 19, 2015
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PRAYER POWER…Don’t wish upon a star, pray to God for whatever, whenever, and wherever because He is Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Everything! Believe it, receive it, let go, and let Him take control!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


Straight Talk – Too Often…

Posted by Leggs on April 18, 2015
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TOO OFTEN we dismiss what others have to say rather than hear them out, fearful they might have a valid point of view we’re just not ready to hear or consider yet!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


Straight Talk – Who Are You?

Posted by Leggs on April 17, 2015
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WHO ARE YOU? If you don’t know, take all the time you need to figure it out, unafraid and determined to dig deep and keep your integrity intact when you look the truth straight in the eye and own it!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!


Straight Talk – Memory Bank…

Posted by Leggs on April 16, 2015
Posted in Inspirations  | No Comments yet, please leave one

MEMORY BANK…If you recall memories that neither inspire or help you resolve present issues, don’t let ’em linger, let ’em go and make room for new ones you can bank on!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!
