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Inspirational Thoughts

Straight Talk – Mind Control

Posted by Leggs on November 30, 2013
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MIND CONTROL…The mind is a power weapon – we have to be vigilant and equally discerning where we allow it to roam and what we allow it to process and accept as our truth, our reality! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Still Thankful!

Posted by Leggs on November 29, 2013
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STILL THANKFUL…There’s no magic cure for what ails our world and the unfavorable conditions we live in – but there’s hope, determination, and the committed consistency of a dedicated few who cause a chain reaction that stirs like minds to take action and make a difference! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Leggs on November 28, 2013
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HAPPY THANKSGIVING…Be thankful in all things big and small that bless you and those you love and care about! Lend a hand, and PRAY daily for healing, relief, and the restored hearts and minds of families, not just in the Philippines, but everywhere devastation and unthinkable loss exists!

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

WE INSPIRE EACH OTHER…It’s the unsung, non head line things we do consistently every day that often capture the heart and spark the imagination of others! Keep doing what you don’t know you’re doing! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Daily Reminder

Posted by Leggs on November 26, 2013
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DAILY REMINDER…You are an exceptional (one of a kind) God inspired work of art! There is absolutely nothing common about you, and don’t ever doubt and/or forget it! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!



Straight Talk – Stay The Course

Posted by Leggs on November 25, 2013
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STAY THE COURSE…Sometimes goals are easier to set than achieve – not that they’re impossible, but that we tend to give up rather than stay strong and dig in our heels when things get tough!

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Walk By Faith

Posted by Leggs on November 24, 2013
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WALK BY FAITH…Stay full of hope, God’s plan is still at work! Never forget that you and the life you’re predestined to live matters. Do your part and God will do His – He always has and always will!

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Volume Control

Posted by Leggs on November 23, 2013
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VOLUME CONTROL…There are many ways to get your point across, and it’s important to know when/if the occasion requires a whisper or loud voice to ensure you’re heard and taken serious!:-)

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Dig Deep

Posted by Leggs on November 22, 2013
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DIG DEEP…Whatever today brings, you can handle it!Tune out that skeptic voice inside your head trying to keep you from discovering just how awesome and brilliant you really are! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Gain And Sacrifice

Posted by Leggs on November 21, 2013
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GAIN AND SACRIFICE…If we got a dollar for every anxiety attack, many of us would be millionaires – but it begs considering if any monetary gain would be worth the loss of our peace of mind! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

NO PITY PARTIES, PLEASE…You don’t have to wait for a miracle, you experience one every time you look in the mirror, and God don’t make mistakes – so say ‘Thank You, Lord’ and embrace the joy of living!

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – The Journey

Posted by Leggs on November 19, 2013
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THE JOURNEY…Circumstance and choice are part of a menu we all respond to on a daily basis to keep moving forward on this journey called life! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – The Blame Game

Posted by Leggs on November 18, 2013
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BLAME GAME…When you find it hard to take responsibility for an unfavorable outcome, pray – turn a perceived weakness into a strength by resisting the temptation to blame something or someone else! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Imagine

Posted by Leggs on November 17, 2013
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IMAGINE…The more we walk in faith, forgiveness, and love, the way God planned, the stronger we become, collectively! Why not put differences aside and give it a try – the best is yet to come! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!

Straight Talk – Courage

Posted by Leggs on November 16, 2013
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COURAGE…We try on clothing for size and fit, but courage is one-size fit all – anyone can choose to wear it at any time! 🙂

Yesterday is behind us - Tomorrow is ahead – Live Today as though both matter - Make a difference!

Blessed health, happiness, and peace of mind! Pray, keep hope afloat, and make someone smile today!